The Goal is the Horizon

After enjoying the scenic beauty of Mount Extreme Bliss for a week, the master urged the disciple to continue the journey the next morning. ― Let's go, don't get too engrossed in this place. ― But haven’t we already reached our destination?! After all the time, effort, sweat, and even blood we've spent to get here, shouldn’t we enjoy the fruits of our labor instead of moving on, master?! ― I've allowed you to enjoy it for a whole week. If you think it's not enough, you can stay and enjoy it. I'll go alone. ― It's not about enjoyment. I followed you to reach liberation, not to seek pleasure. If I wanted to enjoy myself, I would have stayed in the city with all its pleasures instead of tiring myself out climbing the mountain with you. ― If you still want liberation, follow me. ― But why do we need to move on when we've reached the destination of liberation? ― This is not the destination. ― Clearly, back in the city, when I asked, “Where do we go to...