Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2005

What is the Truth beneath the September 11th attack

Hình ảnh
Wishes Disregarded : The friends and families of the victims have had to endure one insult after another on top of the murders of September 11th, in the official response to the attack. Officials blocked any real investigation, and destroyed the evidence of the mass murder at Ground Zero over the concerted objections from families, respected figures in the New York City Fire Department, and a variety of other citizens wishing to see the laws against destroying evidence respected. Administration officials ignored pleas from the victims' survivors not to go to war against Afghanistan in their name. The official FEMA report is an insult to intelligent readers, asking them to accept wildly improbable scenarios, and failing to even claim to explain the collapses of either WTC 2 or WTC 7. The failure of officials from the New York City and federal governments to address these failures is disgraceful. Unthinkable Collapses : A rational look at the Twin Tower collapses reveals that the o...

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Nushu (女書)

Omniglot : "Nushu is a script created and used exclusively by women in Jiang Yong Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. The women were forbidden formal education for many centuries and developed the Nushu script in order to communicate with one another. They embroidered the script into cloth and wrote it in books and on paper fans."